The overall layout and usability of the software is very. hiring manager, permanent employee of client company Program Management. Ihre Verwendung impliziert keine Zugehörigkeit zu oder Befürwortung durch diese Unternehmen. Fieldglass is one of the better VMS tools Ive used while working in the staffing industry. Alle anderen Produkt- und Firmennamen können Marken oder eingetragene Marken der jeweiligen Eigentümer sein. SAP Fieldglass maps the entire procure-to-pay process for contingent labor and services, and makes it transparent at all times. Amazon Web Services, AWS, das Powered by AWS-Logo und alle anderen AWS-Marken sind Marken von, Inc. This position is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the project lifecycle, including but not limited to managing the software. This project will further automate the 3PL contracting process from the very beginning once a business need has been identified to utilize contingent labor. SAP, SAP S/4HANA, SAP SRM, SAP ERP, SAP Business Suite, SAP Ariba, SAP Fieldglass und andere SAP-Produkt- oder Technologienamen sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der SAP SE in Deutschland und anderen Ländern. SAP Fieldglass is already in use at our client. Their use does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by these companies. When an organization implements a contingent workforce management program that uses the SAP Fieldglass application, the suppliers (or vendors) providing. Terms of the deal, which is scheduled to close in the second. All other product and company names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. German tech firm SAP announced plans to acquire contingent staffing software maker Fieldglass. Amazon Web Services, AWS, the Powered by AWS logo, and all other AWS marks are trademarks of, Inc. SAP, SAP S/4HANA, SAP SRM, SAP ERP, SAP Business Suite, SAP Ariba, SAP Fieldglass, and other SAP product or technology names are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE in Germany and other countries.